Dr. Tim Orr
Below, you will find why I believe that Islam fosters a historic Anti-Semitic worldview. I don't think that all Muslims are anti-semitic, but if there is one thing recent events have made clear, the case has been clearly made regarding the above statement.
When I entered the beginning of last week, I had no idea what would lie ahead. I was sitting in my hotel room in London when Hamas launched its terrorist attacks on Israel. Their attacks aren't surprising. I studied under Iranian Shiite Muslim scholars. I am very familiar with what they believe. Since 2017, I have developed many relationships with Shii scholars and leaders throughout the UK, spoken at their mosques and colleges, and had endless conversations in coffee houses throughout London.
However, I wasn't prepared for what I saw last week, namely Islam and its ugliness. I witnessed firsthand what it is like when Islam begins to influence a country. For example, I took over 20 Uber rides while I was there, 18 were Muslim drivers. Many of those rides consisted of vitriolic Muslims who wanted to shove their religion down my throat. THERE WAS A CONTINUOUS INTERRUPTION when I responded to their claims, and I was told I knew nothing about what I was talking about. Ironic statements from people who drive an Uber for a living talking to someone who has done scholarly work on the subject at Islamic research institutes and mosques.
Following the attack, I had three different invitations to attend the Palestinian rallies, putting my Anti Semitism on full display. While I declined all three invitations, I heard the cheers from one rally from my hotel room. The evil I felt this week was palpable, so I asked for prayers a few days ago.
Abrahamic Fallacy
To understand an Islamic worldview, I have greatly benefited from the work of Mark Durie. The first point to note is what he calls the "Abrahamic fallacy." The "Abrahamic fallacy" is a term used criticizing the position that —Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—share so much in common that they can be treated as essentially the same or as branches of a single tradition. However, each Abrahamic religion has its unique beliefs, practices, and religious texts. For example, Christians believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, a view not shared by Jews or Muslims. These distinctions are essential to the identity of each religion. Unfortunately, the modern interfaith movement is the leading proponent of this idea.
For a completely different reason, Islam is also a proponent of this idea, as they are a proponent of sequentialism. Sequentialism refers to the idea that the three Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—form a sequence or progression, with each succeeding religion building upon or superseding the previous one. However, Islam is the current one of the earlier religions - Judaism and Christianity - are the corrupted versions of the religion of Islam. Since Judaism led to the corruption of Christianity, you do the math.
The Quran has a vision that all religions will be subjugated to Islam (Sura 9:33, 2:193, 3:85). The first thousand years of Islam looked like they were well on their way to doing that as they enjoyed extraordinary expansion that was theologically driven. The Quran describes Christianity and Judaism as "People of the Book." However, when one delves into the Quran passages describing both religions, the most severe judgments fall on the Jews. Here is a list of Quranic verses: 1:5-6, 5:82, 4:46, 2:61, 2:87, 2:91, 3:21, 3:112, 3:181, 3:183, 4:155, 5:70, 5:13, 2:27, 5:115, 2:75, 36:76, 5:78, 2:120, 2:65, 5:60, 9:30, 5:51, 4:157, 2:94-96, 5:64, 5:13, 2:27, 9:10. I will explain more on this at a later date.
Statements from Muhammad Regarding the Jews
Muhammad once said one should "kill any Jew that falls in your power." When about to attack the Khabar, Muhammad said, "Fight until they bear testimony to the fact that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger, and when they do that, then their blood and riches safe from your hands." What's more, there was the genocide of the Qurayza Jews in Medina and the military attack, killing, and enslavement of the Jews in Khaybar.
My Concerns about this War,
There are many things I could say here, but one I want to address briefly: When you prolong the war, you condition Muslims to think that Jews are weak, fearful, and will be destroyed. Muslims should be allies against them because they are losers. Pray for a speedy solution to this war.
I am on the way to a much-needed retreat for three days. I will be headed to it with my pastor in about an hour.
Until we talk again, please pray for the peace of Jerusalem!