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27 Articles
Efforts to comprehend the beliefs, practices, and values of Islam.
Efforts to comprehend the beliefs, practices, and values of Islam.
By Dr. Orr Chasing the Monsters Away: A Tale of Healing, Faith, and Love Though my writing pursuits have shifted over the years, tonight was a rare exception—a moment of inspiration that I hope will touch your heart in a meaningful way. As I share this story, my prayer
In this post, I aim to delve deeper into the prescriptive elements of how we can confront and conquer the monsters that lurk in our lives, starting with a fundamental story from Genesis 3.
Evangelicals, for the most part, lack meaningful relationships with unbelievers, hindering opportunities to share the Gospel. This issue is particularly significant given our community's diverse nature and vast ministry potential.
by Dr. Tim OrrEvangelicals, for the most part, lack meaningful relationships with unbelievers, hindering opportunities to share the Gospel. This issue is particularly significant given our community's diverse nature and vast ministry potential.
by Dr. Tim OrrBy Dr. Orr Chasing the Monsters Away: A Tale of Healing, Faith, and Love Though my writing pursuits have shifted
by Dr. Tim OrrIn this post, I aim to delve deeper into the prescriptive elements of how we can confront and conquer the monsters that lurk in our lives, starting with a fundamental story from Genesis 3.
by Dr. Tim Orr