Extravagant spending on church buildings frequently reveals misplaced priorities that contradict the teachings of Scripture and undermine the Church's true mission.
Church mission teams and committees are vital in bringing the Great Commission to life within the church community. They guide how the church approaches evangelism, discipleship, and making a meaningful difference in the local and global community.
My love for Muslims lies in the biblical command to love our neighbors. Jesus' words in Matthew 22:39 are clear: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." This commandment transcends all boundaries—ethnic, religious, and cultural—and calls us to love every individual as we love ourselves.
My love for Muslims lies in the biblical command to love our neighbors. Jesus' words in Matthew 22:39 are clear: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." This commandment transcends all boundaries—ethnic, religious, and cultural—and calls us to love every individual as we love ourselves.
Extravagant spending on church buildings frequently reveals misplaced priorities that contradict the teachings of Scripture and undermine the Church's true mission.
Church mission teams and committees are vital in bringing the Great Commission to life within the church community. They guide how the church approaches evangelism, discipleship, and making a meaningful difference in the local and global community.
As many of you know, I am deeply committed to sharing the gospel and engaging in meaningful interfaith dialogue through my social media outreach. I want to take a moment to explain what this outreach entails and how you can become a full member and help touch lives globally.
The landscape of generosity is evolving, influenced by the fresh perspectives and unique behaviors of younger generations. In exploring these giving trends, I've gained vital insights for supporting the work God has called me to do, and I’d like to share them with you.
Have you ever wondered what a typical day looks like for someone juggling the roles of minister, scholar, coach, and influencer? Well, let me take you behind the scenes of my daily routine.
I write to you today with a message of hope, a promise of revival, and a longing to reveal My Son, Jesus Christ, to each of you. Let My words sink deep into your hearts, and know you are cherished beyond measure.
Postmodernism challenges the notion of a single, absolute truth, suggesting that our understanding of truth is shaped by cultural, social, and linguistic contexts (Lyotard, 1984)