Throughout history, various religious figures have claimed to carry forward the message of Jesus, but few have had as significant an impact as the Apostle Paul and the Prophet Muhammad.
One of the challenges I face in my work is getting White evangelicals to care about their Muslim neighbors. While White progressives tend to engage Islam through a social justice framework, White evangelicals often approach the topic with suspicion or indifference.
The church faces a similar danger when it waters down the gospel to make it more culturally acceptable. To attract people and avoid offense, many churches focus on self-help, empowerment, and positivity rather than the full message of Christ.
The church faces a similar danger when it waters down the gospel to make it more culturally acceptable. To attract people and avoid offense, many churches focus on self-help, empowerment, and positivity rather than the full message of Christ.
Throughout history, various religious figures have claimed to carry forward the message of Jesus, but few have had as significant an impact as the Apostle Paul and the Prophet Muhammad.
One of the challenges I face in my work is getting White evangelicals to care about their Muslim neighbors. While White progressives tend to engage Islam through a social justice framework, White evangelicals often approach the topic with suspicion or indifference.
This is the gospel—breathtaking, life-giving, and overflowing with radiant hope. It is not simply good news; it is the best news. A story so stunning and transformative that it draws you into its very heartbeat.
Below is the introduction to my new book, which will be released later this month. I will send it to the editor later today. I would love to know what you think.
While apologetics focuses on defending the Christian faith by addressing challenges and misconceptions, polemics takes a different approach—it plays offense by critiquing the beliefs of others, in this case, Islam.
For Christians sharing the gospel with Muslims, storytelling isn’t just an effective tool—it’s a way to connect deeply, honor cultural traditions, and reflect the way Jesus Himself communicated profound truths.