By Dr. Tim Orr

As Bengali Christians, one of our most beautiful gifts is the warmth and hospitality that is deeply woven into our culture. In every Bengali home, you’ll find a spirit of generosity that delights in welcoming guests with open arms, serving them the best food, and making them feel like family. This heartfelt hospitality is not just a cultural trait—it’s a reflection of our faith in Christ. When we open our doors to others, we have the opportunity to show the love of Jesus in a way that words alone cannot convey.

The Power of a Warm Welcome

Growing up, Aliah’s family’s home was always filled with people. Whether it was a neighbor dropping by for chai or a friend coming over for a meal, her mother would always greet them with a warm smile and a generous heart. She remembers one instance when a family from her church moved to the UK and had no relatives or friends here. Without hesitation, her mother invited them to stay with her family until they found their footing. During their stay, they saw Aliah’s family’s love for Jesus expressed in everyday acts of kindness, prayer, and fellowship.

This experience taught her that hospitality is more than just offering a meal—it’s about creating a space where people feel seen, valued, and loved. In a society where many feel isolated and disconnected, our Bengali hospitality can be a powerful testimony to the welcoming love of Christ.

Sharing Christ Through Hospitality

When we invite others into our homes, we are not just sharing food and drink; we are sharing our lives. We are opening a window into our hearts, allowing others to see the love and joy that comes from knowing Jesus. In this way, hospitality becomes a form of evangelism—a way of sharing the gospel without words.

A Personal Story of Hospitality:

Almobassen remembers inviting a British colleague named Emma to her home for dinner. She had never been to a Bengali household before and was curious about their customs and traditions. As she stepped into the home, the aroma of biryani and the sound of Bengali music greeted her. They served her a feast of fish curry, luchi, and rasgulla, and as they ate, they shared stories from their childhood, their faith, and their culture. Emma was fascinated by their deep sense of community and the joy that filled their home. By the end of the evening, she expressed how welcomed and loved she felt, and she was eager to learn more about our faith.

The Heart of Hospitality

At the heart of Bengali hospitality is a desire to serve and bless others. This is a reflection of Jesus’ own heart, who said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45, NKJV). When we serve others with joy and generosity, we are embodying the love of Christ in a tangible way.

In the UK, where individualism often takes precedence, our Bengali hospitality stands out as a powerful counter-cultural witness. It’s a way of saying, “You are welcome here. You are loved. You belong.”


Bengali Christians have a unique opportunity to use their cultural gift of hospitality to share the love of Jesus with those around us. Let Mengali’s open their homes and hearts, welcoming others with the same grace and generosity that Christ has shown them. In doing so, they can create spaces where people feel loved, valued, and drawn closer to the heart of God.

The ideas are mine, but AI assisted in this blog.

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