Dr. Tim Orr
Tim’s experience is unique in that he holds six earned degrees. One is a master’s degree in Islamic studies from Islamic College in London, allowing him to study under Muslim scholars.

While progressive Christians often paint themselves as countercultural, a deeper examination reveals that their movement often aligns with and reinforces the values of secular society.
by Dr. Tim Orr
My intent in this critique is not to delve into partisan politics but to address a more significant concern: the misuse of the pulpit for advancing political agendas at the expense of the gospel’s transformative power.
by Dr. Tim Orr
By Dr. Tim Orr In an age where secularism dominates public discourse and traditional religious institutions are increasingly marginalized, Jordan
by Dr. Tim Orr
Yet, despite his profound insights into human nature and the cultural relevance of Scripture, Peterson’s teachings remain incomplete. The essence of the Christian faith—the gospel of Jesus Christ—is notably absent in his framework.
by Dr. Tim Orr
By Dr. Tim Orr This is the second of four articles that deal with Jordan Peterson and the gospel. To
by Dr. Tim Orr
By Dr. Tim Orr This blog is the first in a three-part series exploring Jordan Peterson and the Gospel. Jordan
by Dr. Tim Orr
As church attendance declines and the number of religiously unaffiliated individuals—often referred to as “nones”—grows, Emerson identifies a surprising trend: practicing Christians across various traditions are becoming more unified in their social and political views.
by Dr. Tim Orr
Tim Orr is a scholar of Islam, Evangelical minister, conference speaker, and interfaith consultant with over 30 years of experience
by Dr. Tim Orr