Dr. Tim Orr
Tim’s experience is unique in that he holds six earned degrees. One is a master’s degree in Islamic studies from Islamic College in London, allowing him to study under Muslim scholars.

In Christianity, the book of Hebrews 6:4-6 presents a severe spiritual warning about falling away from Christ—without prescribing any earthly punishment. In contrast, Islam treats apostasy (riddah) as both a theological and legal offense ...
by Dr. Tim Orr
Hebrews 5:1-11 paints a picture of a Savior who doesn’t just show us the way to God but becomes the way. Unlike earthly priests, who were weak and temporary, Jesus is the eternal mediator who fully satisfies God’s justice while extending mercy.
by Dr. Tim Orr
These findings come from the Pew Research Center’s Religious Landscape Study (RLS), the largest single survey the Center conducts.
by Dr. Tim Orr
Hebrews 4:14-16 presents Jesus as a compassionate High Priest, offering mercy and intercession to those who seek Him. In contrast, Islam teaches that each individual must stand accountable before God without an intermediary.
by Dr. Tim Orr
Jesus Christ is one of the most significant and debated figures in religious history. While both Christianity and Islam recognize Him as an important figure, their perspectives on His identity and purpose are vastly different.
by Dr. Tim Orr
Christianity proclaims a God who comes near, suffers with us, and redeems us through His own sacrifice. Islam, however, presents a God who remains distant in terms of personal relationship, though the Qur’an speaks of His closeness in sovereignty and knowledge.
by Dr. Tim Orr
The first chapter of Hebrews is one of the most powerful declarations of who Jesus truly is. It leaves no room for the Islamic belief that Jesus was just another prophet or a created being.
by Dr. Tim Orr
History shows us that multiethnic societies built on a common set of values create strong, prosperous nations (Huntington, 2004). Multiculturalism, on the other hand, is a relatively recent experiment that has often led to social and political fragmentation (Putnam, 2007).
by Dr. Tim Orr