Dr. Tim Orr
Tim’s experience is unique in that he holds six earned degrees. One is a master’s degree in Islamic studies from Islamic College in London, allowing him to study under Muslim scholars.

Hebrews 13 is a powerful conclusion to the letter to the Hebrews, offering a final exhortation on how believers should live in light of Christ’s supremacy, the sufficiency of His sacrifice, and the call to persevere in faith
by Dr. Tim Orr
In contrast, Islamic teachings, while sharing some thematic similarities regarding discipline and divine sovereignty, diverge significantly in their theological framework, view of suffering, and understanding of salvation.
by Dr. Tim Orr
While both religions emphasize faith, they define it in radically different ways. Christianity teaches faith as trust in God’s redemptive plan, culminating in Christ, while Islam sees faith as submission to divine law, with no guarantee of salvation.
by Dr. Tim Orr
By Dr. Tim Orr Lent is a season of fasting, prayer, and repentance observed by many Christian traditions, particularly Roman
by Dr. Tim Orr
By Dr. Tim Orr Worship is central to human religious experience, shaping our understanding of God, our relationship with Him,
by Dr. Tim Orr
The notion of atonement in Christianity differs significantly from that of Islam. The Qur’an explicitly rejects the idea that one person can take on the sins of another:
by Dr. Tim Orr
By Dr. Tim Orr As I have stated in my previous blogs dealing with the Book of Hebrews, Jesus is
by Dr. Tim Orr
Hebrews 7 presents Jesus Christ as the eternal High Priest, whose work of intercession is perfect, complete, and irrevocable. In contrast, Islamic theology offers a model of intercession that is conditional, uncertain, and ultimately dependent on the will of Allah.
by Dr. Tim Orr