By Dr. Tim Orr
My Beloved Children of Iran,
My heart overflows with love as I reach out to you, the treasured people of Iran. I am the Lord your God, and My love for you is as ancient as the mountains and as boundless as the oceans. I write to you today with a message of hope, a promise of revival, and a longing to reveal My Son, Jesus Christ, to each of you. Let My words sink deep into your hearts, and know you are cherished beyond measure.
My Unconditional Love
From the dawn of creation, My love for humanity has been unwavering. As I have declared, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). This promise extends to you, the people of Iran. Borders or political regimes do not hinder My love; it is a love that transcends all barriers and reaches into the deepest parts of your soul.
Despite the political tensions and oppressive regime you face, My love for you remains steadfast. I see the spiritual hunger and thirst within your hearts. I understand your struggles and your longing for truth and freedom. I desire you to experience the fullness of My love and grace through My Son, Jesus Christ. Know that no matter how dire your circumstances may seem, My love is a constant, unwavering force that can bring light into even the darkest of times.
A Sign of Rejection:
One of the great signs that people have rejected the one true living God is that they do not love whom I love but hate whom I love. This is evident in the actions of the Iranian leaders. In a world where geopolitical tensions and religious conflicts often dominate the headlines, you might wonder why Christians passionately advocate for Israel. This stance is not rooted in political allegiances or eschatological speculation but in a profound belief in biblical promises and a commitment to truth and justice.
However, My unwavering love for Israel is a central theme throughout the Scriptures. From the covenant I established with Abraham to the promises delivered by the prophets, I have consistently demonstrated My steadfast commitment to Israel. My plan for Israel is intricately woven into My redemptive purpose for all humanity. Through them, I have chosen to reveal My character, extend My blessings, and ultimately bring about the world's salvation. Despite their struggles and failures, My love for Israel remains constant, underscoring My desire to draw them closer and fulfill My promises.
God's Dealing with Ayatollah Khomeini, Qasem Soleimani, and Ebrahim Raisi
Consider the actions of Ayatollah Khomeini, who led the Islamic Revolution in 1979 and has significantly impacted the region. Under Khomeini's leadership, Iran has supported militant groups and terrorist organizations, contributing to regional instability. This support includes backing Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Palestine, and various Shia militias in Iraq, all of which have been involved in violent conflicts and acts of terrorism.
Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force, played a crucial role in building the axis of resistance, significantly influencing regional proxy wars in Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen, Iraq, and Syria, leading to prolonged conflicts and humanitarian crises. Ebrahim Raisi, known as the butcher of Tehran, recently died in a helicopter crash. His nickname stems from his alleged involvement in the mass execution of political prisoners in 1988. During that period, Raisi was part of the "death commission," which oversaw the trials and subsequent executions of thousands of political prisoners.
Then, just last night, I allowed the Gaza commander, whose name was Mohammed Ahmed Ali, to fall. He led Hamas's naval unit and was targeted and killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City. I permitted this action because Ali was responsible for various attacks against Israeli territory and IDF troops during the ongoing conflict. I watched as his army carried out numerous suicide bombings, rocket attacks, and other forms of violence targeting civilians. Also, the organization as a whole has used civilians as human shields and committed other war crimes. Their charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state in its place, promoting violence and intolerance.
He refused to repent and now will be judged for his actions. The others who led Hamas will one day be judged for their actions unless they come to Me in repentance.
Each of these leaders will stand before Me and give me an account. Despite my attempts to draw them with My love, they willfully refused with stubborn rebellion. Their motivations, masked by religious rhetoric, revealed their rejection of Me. Witness how I will hold them accountable for their actions. Let the people of Iran know that I hear their prayers. I will answer them in due time, but I desire that the Iranian people turn to Me, as many have already rejected Islam and either embraced Christ or turned to atheism or agnosticism.
Even in their positions of power, these leaders could not escape My sovereign oversight. Their decisions have brought much suffering, but I am a God of justice who sees all and will bring every deed into judgment. I implore you to turn away from the path of violence and oppression that they have walked. Seek My face, for I am close to the brokenhearted and save those crushed in spirit. Remember, My justice will prevail, and I will hold every person accountable for their actions. Each of them must stand before My throne and give an account of their lives. For those who have rejected My mercy and continued in their wicked ways, eternal damnation awaits. They will be cast into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, separated from My presence forever.
The Story of Jonah and My Mercy
To help you understand My great mercy and compassion, consider the story of My prophet Jonah. Jonah was sent to Nineveh, known for its wickedness and rebellion. Jonah, a reluctant and rebellious prophet, initially fled from his calling because he did not want to see his enemies receive My mercy. Yet, I pursued him and brought him back to Nineveh.
When Jonah finally obeyed and delivered My message, the people of Nineveh, from the greatest to the least, repented of their ways. Seeing their genuine repentance, I extended My mercy, sparing their city from destruction. Jonah's story is a testament to My boundless compassion and desire for every heart to turn towards Me. Just as I was patient with Nineveh, I am patient with you, My beloved Iran. I long for you to experience the same mercy and transformation Nineveh did. My arms are open wide, ready to embrace you with forgiveness and love.
My Desire for Iran
Just as I had compassion for Nineveh, my heart overflows with love and compassion for you, My beloved people of Iran. I see your struggles, hardships, and oppression. I desire to bring a mighty revival to your nation, pour out My Spirit upon you, and reveal My Son, Jesus Christ, in all His glory.
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Through Him, you can find true peace, joy, and salvation. I long for millions in Iran to come to know Him, experience His transformative love and grace, and be changed by His power. My heart yearns for the day when you fully embrace My Son and walk in the light of His love. Imagine a future where love and truth reign in Iran, hearts are healed, and the power of My Spirit transforms lives. This is My vision for you, a vision of hope and restoration.
The Role of the Worldwide Church
Know that you are not alone in your journey. The worldwide church, possibly your future brothers and sisters in Christ from every corner of the earth, fervently pray for you. They intercede on your behalf, asking Me to protect, strengthen, and fill you with courage. They stand in solidarity with you, offering support and encouragement as you navigate the challenges.
The prayers of the worldwide church are like incense rising before My throne, and their love for you reflects My deep affection. They are committed to supporting you through prayer and practical means, providing resources and encouragement as you grow in faith. Their dedication is a testament to the unity of My body, transcending borders and cultures. Be encouraged, for you have a global family standing with you, cheering you on as you pursue truth and righteousness.
A Call to Prayer
My dear children, I invite you to pray to the worldwide church. Let us unite our voices and hearts, seeking My intervention and blessings for Iran.
Prayer for Revival: "Heavenly Father, pour out Your Spirit upon Iran. Awaken the people's hearts and draw them to Your Son, Jesus. Let a mighty revival sweep this nation, bringing millions to faith in Christ."
Prayer for Protection: "Lord, shield Your children in Iran. Strengthen their faith and courage. Protect them from harm and fill them with Your peace and joy."
Prayer for Leaders: "Father, soften the hearts of Iran's leaders. Open their eyes to Your truth. Bring about a change that allows freedom of worship and expression."
Prayer for the Worldwide Church: "Lord, unite the worldwide church in prayer and support for Iran. Give them compassion, wisdom, and courage to engage with Iran meaningfully."
Through these prayers, we unite in a powerful movement of faith and hope. As you join these prayers, know I am moving in ways you cannot yet see. My Spirit is at work, stirring hearts, opening doors, and preparing for a great awakening. Let your prayers be filled with faith, knowing I am a God who hears and answers. Together, we can bring about a new dawn for Iran, a dawn of hope, healing, and transformation.
Overcoming the Oppressive Regime:
The current regime in Iran has been a source of oppression and persecution for many years. However, no regime or circumstance is beyond my reach. Just as I brought transformation to Nineveh, I can change Iran. My power is limitless, and my plans for you are good. Trust in me, and know that I am with you always.
Divine Intervention: I can intervene in ways that are beyond human understanding. By praying for divine intervention, trust that I will work in My perfect timing to bring about change in Iran. This may involve raising leaders receptive to the gospel or creating circumstances that lead to greater religious freedom.
Throughout history, I have moved in miraculous ways to bring about My purposes. My power knows no bounds, from parting the Red Sea to raising the dead. Trust that I work in Iran, orchestrating events and raising individuals who will lead with integrity and compassion. Your prayers are powerful and effective, and as you intercede, you are partnering with Me in bringing about My divine plan for your nation.
Empowering the Underground Church: The underground church in Iran is a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. By empowering these believers through prayer and support, we can help sustain their faith and witness. As the underground church grows, it can catalyze broader societal change, influencing the nation from within.
The underground church is a testament to the resilience and courage of My people. Despite the risks and challenges, they continue to shine My light in the darkest places. By supporting these believers, you are helping to strengthen their faith and expand their influence. We can build a network of believers united in their love for Me and commitment to sharing the gospel. As the underground church grows, it will profoundly impact the entire nation.
My Promise Remember, My beloved children, no oppressive regime or circumstance is beyond My reach. Just as I brought transformation to Nineveh, I can change Iran. My power is limitless, and My plans for you are good. Trust in Me, and know that I am with you always.
Hold on to My promises, for they are sure and steadfast. I have plans to prosper you and not harm you, to give you hope and a future. Even when the world seems chaotic and uncertain, My love remains a constant anchor for your soul. Trust in My timing and ways, for I am working all things together for good for those who love Me and are called according to My purpose.
A Closing Blessing:
My dear children of Iran, my heart aches for the day when you will fully know My Son, Jesus Christ, and the incredible love I have for you. May you be filled with hope and strength, knowing that I am your God and you are my treasured people. May you experience the peace that surpasses all understanding and the joy of knowing My Son.
With everlasting love,
Your Heavenly Father